Hey guys, 4.2 broke the mouth open as morph feature for fbx exporting. 4.2.1 fixed it, but now my models are exporting with duplicate and broken blendshapes, and it's making unity puke....More
My request is a simple one; please bring back the EyesBlink expression for C4 characters. I ask because as a VRChat developer, it makes avatar creation a lot quicker. Thanks. :)...More
I had mapped all the visemes 8-7 and when i applied acculips to iclone they werent working correctly so i went back to cc4 and saw that it had changed from 8-7 to the 1-1 and they were all messed up when i loaded the saved facial profile still didnt load the 8-7 visemes as i had saved them...More
I installed CharacterCreator 4.12 yesterday (November 17th) via Reallusion Hub, but the Morph sliders, which should have been installed by default, disappeared from the Morphs tab. I only see the Morph sliders that I created myself, none of the standard sliders and Headshot's Morph sliders...More
Hello, The first thing is that I find the resources consumed gargantuan, for a display very much below most conventional 3d software. I've been doing 3d for 20 years and I know that our software is very demanding, I don't have a warlord but I do have a 9750 proc i7, 64g of ram, a 2070 RTX...More
I was following this workflow on a custom model: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A-4lGCu76Sw&t=261s after blender's work , im back to cc and import fbx file , and i drag the slider bar , the mesh just broken......More
With the new standard blendshapes, the morph to close the eyes does not completely close them when the eyes look up (so when the eye-look-up morphs are active). This is really noticeable in closeups whenever a character that is looking up blinks, it would be great if that could be fixed. This...More
Note: this AI concept must be connected directly to systems inside CC4 1. AI analyzes sketches and or photos and creates a character image reference 2. the detection of eyes, mouth, lips, nose, brows, ears and hair is further refined for HQ realism or toon (to create headshot character and...More
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YHD9zR8cXbw Another quest besides the question posted in the video above, is to set the position of the head in the facial profile editor. in 3DXchance you could set the head by moving the Head_bone, in CC4 you can't set the position of the head by the bones...More