There is an issue with using LWHQ hair exported with characters from CC4, where Lumen in darker environments will render hair completely black, which means you can not use the CC4 characters in dimly lit environments. Please, investigate the issue and update Lumen support for the hair shaders...More
Changing the arm (Std_Skin_Arm ) color (Diffuse color) for a CC3+ character changes Std_Eye_R. Changing the Std_Eye_R changes Std_Skin_Arm . Changing colors for in Diffuse color for legs, head body=no problem....More
There's currently no easy way to remove the baked-in eyebrows from the default character skin material. This is a problem when adding custom eyebrows to a character, as it's necessary for the custom eyebrows to completely cover (hide) the baked-in brows. The only other option is to go in...More
32bit Tangent VDMs exported from Zbrush. Either baked from a sculpt, or the diagnosis tool they have built in. Tangent FlipnSwitch set to 43. If I place the VDM into displacement slot of the material editor tab, and select Vertex Displacement; it will then freeze on me before crashing. Only...More
I tried to load 4.11 created CC3+ character files on 4.2, but it always crashed. Then I set up my character from scratch (using GoZ and custom textures) in 4.2 and it crashed again when I added displacement maps to the body. Tried again after the 4.21 update, but it still crashes when adding...More
the update to 4.2 is generating an error for the file locations of textures "AGAIN" CC is reporting the reference location for all the skin gen tools to (D:\Reallusion\00Content\Character Creator 3 Template\Texture\SkinTextures\SkinBase\ ( A LOCATION THAT DOES NOT, AND NEVER HAS EXISTED) This...More
It takes over 30 sec or more for most characters to initialize the Preview or Export. Used to be just a second or two. And this is true for iClone as well....More
I have a question, I can't find a solution. I have made several CC3+ avatars, originally created in Character Studio 3.44. All my characters are saved with 4K textures. When I open them in CC3, the textures are correct in 4K resolution. When I open them in Character Creator 4.2, the program...More
I receive this message when trying to publish my content pack to the marketplace. This message is about as useful as a generic "check engine" light in your car. It would be FAR more useful if it listed the missing files so I could at least identify them. Additionally, it would be nice of...More