*Various automatic toon joint profiles to apply to CC3+ characters *Universally apply toon joint to any kind of character defined in the Characterization process. *Apply physics to threshold range of particles between joints - could be spring joint so entire arm, leg, neck has a ripple/wave...More
I've suggested this idea in an earlier FT post but you've since added more compatible and worthwhile technology like AI Headshot and the Wrinkle System so I am pointing out the existing tech you already have to make this possible. A superior product catered to every unique users face for...More
You have animated morph slider functionality in Motion Live, we need this same functionality in the facial profile editor but highlight either a radial button next to the active slider or the label itself during facial calibration animations so we can better see which slider morph is at fault...More
1.I exported a facial expression profile of my CC3+ character so I could reapply it after adding tail bones in an external application 2. After adding bones, I imported into CC4 and only 3 compatible Characterization profiles were available. 3. My Visemes were still available but all the other...More
Please, create some kind of change. I find the mouth and lip combinations are off in several places, I can give you one correction so far - saying the word "Works" for example, I mostly corrected the W. As I've explained in the past on the feedback tracker, You seem to have an extra Viseme...More
Hello, Having issue with smart hair shader set up (Alpha) in Blender Cycles. Character from CC4 to Blender via CC4 addon, then materials set up in Blender with node wrangler. Scalp and hair transparency have issues and remain black. Overall quality of hair is blocky and spotted with black...More
Hi I was setting up an NPC for may game with an ongoing story ark of becoming a mom. So I used morph creator (from IC8) to give her a pregnant slider. I figured to advancing that slider at deferent points in the game is better than having 3 copies of the model. The slider is only on the...More
I had to convert the hair into clothing and disable the vertex assigned hair in order to enable soft cloth. In order to get the hair as a functional skin weighted cloth (this will work for fur as well all over the body) - In a previous FT post, I recommended using a hair root map (UV blocks...More
* New method: no matter how tangled hair/fur might be when users create it, this additional concept should be utilized to keep hair cards separated and properly weight painted when users are given the option to convert their models to cloth. -Universal Hair Card Binding Process *When the binding...More