Good evening, I would like to know why I cannot export the tests in the free version. How am I going to purchase it if I can't test it correctly, there are still 27 days to go. I can't save the project and even exporting says that the free version is not allowed....More
Dear Reallusion, we’re in dare need of your products on Linux. You produce incredible packages (a little too pricy though), but more and more artists migrating from Windows to Linux and it’s fantastic time to start supporting those of us who already did or will do so soon. Not mentioning that...More
If you import a Skeletal Mesh from, for example but not exclusively limited to Unreal Engine, and characterize it, the Skeleton will appear fine Root is at the top and everything underneath it. When you export it with a Root Motion Animation and try to apply that to the original character in...More
Steps to reproduce: 1. Load Camila model (or any other high-quality model) 2. Apply any expression loop emotion to model (I tried happy and sad ones) using ExPlus...More
Devs Please Fix this: custom spring joints work awesome in the head area but not in the body unless they are hand & finger joints. The secondary and third set of arms are cloned joint hierarchies of the arm joints and they work as expected. This character is intended for the marketplace as...More
I have encountered a problem when working with characters designed in Character Creator 4 (CC4). After exporting these characters as FBX files and making modifications in 3ds Max, I found that the FBX files, once exported from 3ds Max, do not remain compatible with their original versions from...More
I want to create live lip sync in Unity, and I need the character to have independent lip sync blend shapes for sounds like 'Ah,' 'EE,' and 'Oh.' How can I achieve this? Also, I am unable to use the 'Jaw_Open' blend shape to open the character's mouth, until using the character preview tools...More
I have created a character and optimised it to an ActorBUILD. I have applied a simple idle motion and attempted to export to FBX. It only exports the Mesh and fails when I include the motion as well. The same CC3+ character (the back-up) will export the mesh and motion fine with exactly the...More
Reallusion may ask for the Ornatrix Hair *render engine* to work for all users as a low cost plugin in iC8 but for creators as a full functional tool it's typically an expensive but can bring a lot of realism to the characters! Personally I'm using it to create Fur for my Characters and aim...More