A couple issues that might be connected to the same problem. 1. It took a long while to discover what might be making the body and arm materials render black during animation playback. This issue is also present in iC8. Enabling smooth mesh be subdivision seems to correct the render but...More
When I used the PN3 mocap data I tried utilizing the auto import motion option in the CC4 program. The issue when importing the data is the shoulders are very squared. I used the PN3 profile. When I import my mocap from PN3s Axis studio to unreal engine however, the shoulders are perfect, which...More
I'd like to be able to selected an IK chain and reduce strength with a percentage slider. Users should have additional options such as the ability to make the strength global across all the joints in the hierarchy or a falloff starting at the toes and ending at upper arm or clavicle or the...More
For fast iteration, have a scrollable part list of common Human, animal and creature bone configurations. These parts would be all normal CC bones but more than one of the same templates would designate the character a "Multi-Ped Hybrid HIK Character" etc Some hand templates with finger joint...More
There are a few frames added to the Facial Morph editor that add to your custom morphs even though in the animation bar it states "current frame" If this is done on purpose so users can expand there facial morph library from existing facial animations, a suggestion then: -maybe when creating...More
I attached an video displaying that the spring effects are functional in the suction cups on the first arm set in front but not elsewhere because *by default* I don't have the option, why? All suction cups contain the same duplicated hand joints.. In the bone menu, when I click on "unused...More
1.This would allow morphs to have non linear functionality - move in all directions through time. 2.Advanced Effects (melting, water flow/liquify, bubbling, fire, cracking, healing, wiggle, shape-shifting, electricity, bending in multiple angles, acid rain, clouds (ideal with volumetric shader...More
Vertex assignment is like glue/weight painting - CC4/iC8 has cloth tracking and can be used to temporary glue your character's face vertex positions of from a preset you make identifying and covering the face area; lips, eyes etc so the points gets matched on another character's eyes, lips...More
When creating characters with elasticity and realistic exaggeration, we need to sometimes even out the surface stretch and spread out bones as needed. The only other way around this is to add two additional neck bones and have the 3rd starting as the main head bone but we don't always have...More