Hello, during the export of my two last characters the CC is crushing. I tried a couple of advice from bug reports but nothing helped. Sending you a link to the latest crush dump. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1cvu9hfzR0GBNj9inRt46I0yJ-Rn-bu9O/view?usp=sharing...More
It would be amazing if we can add 3DCoat to the pipeline/workflow plug ins, same as Blender and Zbrush. As someone who always used 3DCoat it is cumbersome to learn ZBrush and pay for that license only to work better with CC4. Many people use and prefer 3DCoat for many reasons, and I dare to...More
Hi all, I am new to the Goz ->CC4 pipeline and am experiencing several problems getting my mesh from Zbrush back to CC4. This is already the fourth project I start and can't finish because I have errors in the rig when I relink the mesh to CC4. I have seen several videos of the suggested workflow...More
*Various automatic toon joint profiles to apply to CC3+ characters *Universally apply toon joint to any kind of character defined in the Characterization process. *Apply physics to threshold range of particles between joints - could be spring joint so entire arm, leg, neck has a ripple/wave...More
Don't know if this has been suggested. How about painting weight maps for clothes like you do for bones and morphs? Could this be done in CC and this would be easier/faster then send it out to another painting program. I am new so please for give me if this is made though ignorance on my part...More
Hello, when for example dragging an image from Windows Explorer onto a diffuse map in the modifcation panel it takes about 1-2 seconds to perform this step. Meaning , when i start dragging, a small thumbnail is generated showing the image used, but doesnt move to the target in CC4. It follows...More