ISSUE 1: 1. I tried opening my save project but it always open the default female. I always need to go to File>Open project then replace all avatar and textures ISSUE 2:...More
The problem is that in VR apps we are needing to use ForwardRendering for performance, meaning important things like subsurface scattering and HDRi lighting aren't available to us. I know baking that stuff in as color info isn't the real thing but much better than not having it at all. Right...More
I create a character in CC3 latest using headshot and ultimate SkinGen, then go to File->Export to FBX. I choose the Unity preset. My unity project has the latest CC3 importer plugin. The character is imported more or less fine. However - as you can see in the attached image - there are two...More
Game base generates UVs that are ok (in that the UVs shell distribution/scale makes a lot more sense than a basic instaLOD export without game base) but the actual texture that gets transferred is very low quality. I've attached a comparison using a 2048 texture along with the face baked out...More
Make character in CC3 with morphtargets. Export from CC3 to Unreal Engine 4.25 with FBX (clothed character) Unreal setup. In Unreal 4.25 eye_occlusion mesh pops out through eyelids....More
I created a character in the demo version of Character Creator 3 (the latest version), and I exported it out as an FBX & a OBJ file. When I import them into Unreal Engine, they do NOT look like what I created in Character Creator 3. For one the face does not look like what I created & the hair...More
Hi to the Dev Team and all the community ! Character Creator 3.32 hasn't got a "mirror-flip" option. Waiting that the Dev team develops this option, I suggest a trick to get a symmetric flip of the Haircut !...More