391 issues found


I was wondering if there was a way to finely tune facial features like lips? I have a project where thin asymmetrical elderly upper lips are needed. Most people are not perfect as botoxed actors, so in need of more realism. Some sliders would be nice to achieve levels of asymmetry. See...More


Not a Bug
The A pose tranfering to Zbrush is not the same as the A pose while editing or the one that there is in the motion files.
The one that goes to zbrush has closed legs.
So when you transfer back to CC3 it doesnt come back at the same place as you expected...More
  •  1
  •  1339
Submitted by ahingel


So I tried exporting to an FBX file, but was stopped by not having an export license.
After buying the export license, I still am not able to proceed with exporting. I still get the same message, even though I have bought it. First I bought the two items separately, then the whole package...More
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  •  509
Submitted by PresidentZak


Not Reproducible
If you fix the blink with the autoblink correction of CC3, the morph doesnt be saved and doesnt transfer to 3dxchange so we can export it and modify it further
if you press the morph in 3dxchange , it changes back to the old morph, not the fixed one from CC3...More
  •  3
  •  1801
Submitted by ahingel


Not a Bug
I am using unity auto setup version 1.10. I added hdrp asset pack into Unity, I exported character as fbx with motions. I dragged the files into CC_Assets. It is imported well, prefab and animation controllers are generated. aThere is an issue, animations don't loop. When I go to animations...More
  •  1
  •  1272
Submitted by sasha.199568


Would be easier if we could send to zbrush any expression from CC3 directly, instead of using 3dxchange Now we can only send it to zbrush in A or T pose ex. If we modify the pose with the eyeblink and reimport it, it meshes up the whole character...More


Steps to reproduce the problem : just export a character with FBX ( maya or unreal )
So, leaf bones are missing, and it's very VERY usefull to script, etc.
for example : knowing where the extremity bones ( fingers, head, feet, etc.) end up using this type of bone is very useful and used throughout...More
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  •  474
Submitted by Patrick_AIV


After the update, CC 3.44 and iClone 7.93 close when opening "Scan Reality - Natasha" ... How to solve the problem?...More
  •  5
  •  1310
Submitted by kensp


Hi love CC3, But love it more if we could have an export update to GOZ, that could put the legs into an A-Pose as well as the arms, also to be able to export at a higher resolution, or be able to work and sculpt with a higher res, back and forth from CC3? Hope this is possible and that you...More
  •  3
  •  599
Submitted by Siverse


hi have been trying to work out why it is that when i create a split head / body morph from one i have sculpted the eyes and teeth won't morph as well? can anyone please help?...More
  •  2
  •  592
Submitted by Siverse
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