Please can the _SSSMaps be included in the textures folder when exporting a character that's been converted to GameBase? so the equivalent of Std_Skin_Head_Pbr_SSSMap.jpg...More
I want part of my decal to have a "true" transparency, but I cannot get it. First, when you apply a 32 bit graphics with alpha channel, any material in iClone/CC applies alpha channel mask automatically (Screenshot 1) Decal system should do the same. But it does not. Even if I slide alpha...More
Can you please, please, make the autosetup for Unity and Unreal open source!!! Please let us make your tools usable for production of "real" games, so we can fix the broken auto setup pipeline our self, and add all the lacking features and options in that system... Best regards...More
So this is sort of an old bug refreshed. You all know about the issue when importing some character (Daz in that case) that the Eyes are not closing completely. Two known ways of fixing it:...More
Something has changes for the worse in the latest release. 1. This is easy to replicate and this is only happening in CC. Render a face with "Optimize with Full Screen Render" and WITHOUT Super Sampling. The render would come out squeezed horizontally. AS oppose rendering with "Optimize with...More
Major Issue with IRAy after the latest updates yesterday. The Eyebrows render with a weird artifact still and now after the render finishes, try hitting the save icon on top left and you will notice the PNG, JPG options are gone, its showing imaterial as the file format. Needs a fix and update...More
When using "RL_Standard" as a parent to the material of clothing from the Playset-UN task Force it produces strange see through results. The hair shader also does the same....More Software must make use of the latest technological advances. CC3 and Headshot plugin must leave the hundreds of buttons and sliders for nit picking, rather improving upon a "less than 7 user mouse clicks" solution to arrive at an amazing (minimum...More