Hi, I am chauncey phillips I hope this finds you well- The suggestion that I have is to implement an in - game players choice customization so that we the game creators can outsource the duty of character creation to the player....More
Can you add a Random Button controlling custom para when build charactor? I need a button to control many custom transformers weight value at the same time,I think the button can stimulate creativity。 For example,...More
Character's face is irreparably skewed/rotated in relation to the rest of the head with Pro Mode. No matter how I modify this image, headshot will not recognize it as dead-on and it gets projected onto the model rotated and shifted. I've tried adding ears, removing all symmetry, de-lighting...More
I updated the CC3 to the 3.32 version, a message popped up saying the Headshot will be removed and need to update in order to use it in the latest version. I tried to find the link on the website and under Add ons > Headshot> Support > Updates. But there's a link on 'how to update', but no...More
I saved my project in character creator by clicking file save as (ccproject format). But when i double clicked my saved project file to open it... character creator opens up a project file with the default model and not my saved work. All my model configurations are gone. I am able to get...More
I was having some problems with Character Creator. I decided to try and uninstall the program, and plugins. Everything went ok, until I tried to reinstall head shot. It failed and terminated. I had tried reinstalling several times, both with HUB and from the web site with no success. Attached...More
Headshot must retire the outdated 1k (horrible results) and 4k textures and replace, or provide the user with the option to choose, 8k textures! The purpose of software is to make life easy. Currently, headshot has too many options that must be tweaked to get the face looking similar to the...More
Exporting any character I have created from Character Creator 3.3 into Maya 2020.2 causes Maya to instantly crash with a 'failed to save temp' error. This happens regardless if I export using different settings under the export menu. FBX viewers (Such as windows 3D Viewer) can open and see...More
Looking at Characters close up isn't as realistic as I thought.. it does look at a distance. I hope that you can integrate a skin-to-morph" projection component to help with bigger deformities like neck veins or tendons and or the ability to generate the displacement textures from the normal...More