ISSUE 1: 1. I tried opening my save project but it always open the default female. I always need to go to File>Open project then replace all avatar and textures ISSUE 2:...More
The problem is that in VR apps we are needing to use ForwardRendering for performance, meaning important things like subsurface scattering and HDRi lighting aren't available to us. I know baking that stuff in as color info isn't the real thing but much better than not having it at all. Right...More
Hello, I'm having some issues with the uvw for a character when exporting it with "instaLOD" and "merge materials" selected. some uvws are very big and others are very small. for example, the head is to small and the nails and tongue are way to big in a uvw texture....More
I create a character in CC3 latest using headshot and ultimate SkinGen, then go to File->Export to FBX. I choose the Unity preset. My unity project has the latest CC3 importer plugin. The character is imported more or less fine. However - as you can see in the attached image - there are two...More
Hello there, I'm having some problems with a coat that is also placed over the wrist. i attached a image. left is CC3 (where it looks like it needs to be) on the right is the export with the unity template (only happend with the unity template). both parts from the coat on the wrist are rotated...More
I have a problem with the rig when exporting to Unity. I attached a image of my issue. Left is a default CC3+ character which you can see bends quite badly when arms aim up (and down). Right is how it should be. I can supply a sample project if needed, but it is bigger than the max file size...More
1. Right eye's texture is same as left eye's , can you provide a function to merge slots with the same texture into one? Eye occlusion has the same problem. 2.I strongly request that you can permanently hide or remove characters. I just want to export multiple clothing parts, but every time...More