Example: 1. Add a CC character in iClone 8. 2. Drop the FBX mocap file (Klappa_boll_hik.fbx) on the character. (The FBX is exported from Rokoko studio using Human IK preset)....More
-open any project with facial animation in IClone (I'm on 8.02.0718.1) -Export FBX (Unity 3d) with Mouth Open as Morph checked -Upon import in Unity, only the Jaw animation can be seen, all other facial blendshape animation has not been exported/imported...More
Loading an iClone 8 template character or using and imported Ureal skeleton. Savig and loading hand gestures does not work properly, setting one or the other hand and loading internal gestures sometimes work as setup, sometimes override both hands, sometimes saved handgestures doesn't work...More
I'm currently using iClone8 v8.12 and CC 4.12. I have worked on a project based on these tools for a long time. Recently I found some facial animations exported to UE were not the same as in iClone8....More
Hi there, I don't know if this has been mentioned before, but I would love to see the ability to export characters with hair and clothing physics to Omniverse. Either baked physics animations will be just as good if possible. In either iClone, CC4 or both. Thanks...More
Maybe its a bit of a streach but since Vroid is getting more and more popular, it would be cool to be able to import VRM files, instead of having to export them to FBX in blender, I think it would save a lot of time since you wouldn't need to re do a lot of things in character creator...More
hey, it would be great if support FACEGOOD [aka Avatary] on iClone as Motion Live gear for Facial Animations ... its definitely game changer ......More
Iclone 8 v8.4 crashes every time I attempt to open my character file. I recently upgraded to v8.4 and now iclone 8 crashes every time I attempt to open my character....More