When dragging a lightroom preset on a scene, props disappear into nowhere. EDIT: I leave this here for others thinking this is not normal, i have learned from the forum this is normal....More
Each time I apply an atmospheric light preset iclone deletes my sound track as well. Please provide for an option to stop this behaviour. Also please add an option to also not delete my camera settings and camera animations....More
There are two problems 1. missing baked physics track on the timeline -the option to show or hide it doesn't seem to exist. 2. we can no longer right click on the character to remove the vertex/baked physics animation in the viewport,...More
I provided a technique that could prevent cracks in both cloth physics and displacement here: https://www.reallusion.com/FeedBackTracker/Issue/A-crack-free-displacement-Hack-to-add-to-your-Human-Shader Perhaps the last ideal solution to this would be that Displacement maps have the option...More
Hello, i hoped this Issue would be gone by now, sadly its still present https://www.reallusion.com/FeedBackTracker/Issue/Reduce-Idle-Load-issue/1/reduce%20idle%20load...More
This seems like it could be an easy fix for clothing compatibility - the vertex shader(spring joint) code that tells the vertices' of clothing to follow the skin should also be used with soft cloth....More
Quadrupeds, octopeds etc will greatly benefit! Example duck walks & other moves, dogs, cats, goats, sheep, bears (would help create more moves for my polar bear and other animals quicker)...More
Being able to export compositing elements such as normal, depth, and object ID mattes for use in software like Nuke or After Effects would be convenient. This is similar to the capabilities of the now-discontinued Iray plugin, which I do not own. At times, a simple render is all that's needed...More