Please give us support for 3D Mice. It is Agonizing to have to use alt and the mouse button to move around in a scene, especially when you are zooming in and out. My finger is about to fall off with how many times you have to move the scroll wheel to move short distances. I have used a 3D mouse...More
I work at 24 fps, which is the international standard for projection and playback, and has been since sound was added to film (about 90 years ago). This is impossible in Iclone. In order to animation at 24fps in Iclone, you must animate in 60fps and then export at 24 fps. This unfortunately...More
This is really bad to find out that I've been working so hard to build my cartoon only to be dismayed my the lack of integrations you have available. This hurts so bad to find out that the programs you use can't be used on Mac OS systems. How is it that you can download Cartoon Animator 4 on...More
Hello friends. I have a single suggestion for the new Iclone 8. Implement a modeling and uvmap system, which will make iclone an animation and modeling software, getting very close to the great modeling and animation softwares. You do not need to create rig and characters, because Character...More
If avatar is rotated (transformed) to 45 degrees by Z (or otherwise any other angle not divisible by 90) for instance, it is really hard to move bones straight (in respect to avatar - local). Have to do numerous tweaks before you get the bone to the right position, or use a gizmo plains, which...More
This is a refresher of the request for iClone 6, which has already 56 votes as I write this! With all the great improvements in iClone 7, one feature is still glaringly missing: a working mirror surface. This is probably one of the oldest requests and dates back from iClone 5, which had an...More
Dear Development Team, Could you please include the curve editor into iClone 8 and other professional tools like onion skinning and mocap track editing etc so the facial mocap would be more usable. Complete Crazy Talk 8 pipeline integration would be also nice....More
We have the export feature, but I wish to add the ability to IMPORT Alembic files. I'm a DAZ user and what I like to do right now involves blocking out motions and refining them in iClone and then taking them back into DAZ studio to render them. This allows me to take advantage of the greater...More
What about developing a face capture plugin for the Kinect 2.0 or the Windows Hello Sensor in the Microsoft Surface and other laptops? A Microsoft Surface is less expensive than the iPhone X and it would be easier to rationalize its purchase in a Windows/iClone environment. From the internet...More
I am referring to CC characters for all my wishful features here. Capsual collision shapes that can be scaled to different sizes at the top and bottom? Maybe even scaled differently between x and y? Thicker on x than y or thicker on y than x....More