I'd like to be able to do live broadcast with less programs running as possible and use iClone's Exclude Effects with it. The webcam support or url streams should additionally be used as a shader to be applied to a plane so any broadcast/webcam or a combination can show live on a TV, Phone...More
I hear talk that you might be developing it further it and I thought about all the common features iClone already has but are scattered in various places and makes it difficult for the average user to tap into deep toon work and the rendering of simple drawings so I will make a few suggestions...More
The majority of characters in iclone and CC4 require "smoothing" to turned on for purchased content to look acceptable (especially older store content such as the toon characters) Currently iClone exports alembics as triangles (although the alembic SDK is able to support Quads and SDS). Applying...More
A prop with a substance applied. The "Bake Substance Texture" box in the Material tab is too small and only shows the letters "stan". Please see the screenshots comparing iclone 7 and iclone 8....More
After baking lookat target characters eyes are shaking Export motion plus to libary or export as fbx and import to ue5 https://manual.reallusion.com/iClone-8/Content/ENU/8.0/55-MotionPlus/Body_Motions_Constraint_Keys.htm?_gl=1*r06gz5*_ga*ODY4NDE5ODQ2LjE2Mzc1ODQzNTE.*_ga_Q3FS71VPKC*MTY1NDg0Mjk3Ni4xNDYuMS4xNjU0ODQyOTk4LjM4...More
I have projects created in iClone 7 that have an aspect ratio of 2048 x 858. In iClone 8, if I open the project via the file menu, the viewer aspect is correct but if I open a project by dragging and dropping from the File Explorer into the viewer, the vertical gets stretched to fill the default...More
Regardless of what scaling setting / compatibility setting I use, iClone's dockable areas take up too much of the screen when at 4K resolution, even when they prevent me from shrinking them any further. I have tested setting my Windows DPI scaling down from its recommended 250% to 100% and...More
I found a motion blur problem with one of my characters. It manifests itself in Realtime / By Frame mode and also when exporting video. Characters, pants, etc. have 4K bitmaps...More
they are empty shells with none of the plugins I purchased for iclone v7, no access to the smart gallery, and my projects and assets are not showing from iclone v6,7 CCv1,2,3. this is unusable without the plugins I purchased. why no smart gallery option to re-install purchased content?...More