Need option to disable auto-keyframing. Most animation applications don't automatically add a keyframe every time you move an object like a light or camera or change the color of a material. At a minimum, there should be an option to turn that behavior off. Can't tell you how many times I've...More
I'm using a 27" 4K monitor. The scaling has always been an issue where's its massive compared to every other window and application I am using, but today it's just become absurd. I wonder if there's ever been any testing involved with iClone before release? The scale of the UI should be inline...More
Since I updated to 8.41 the curve editor no longer works The layer curves show, but none of the points can be selected. the point simply whites out and cant be moved whether a single point is selected or a block nothing moves....More
The system needs support for layers for expressions like it has for body motion so that animation can be built incrementally using keyframes (Face Key) and Face Puppet (or Mo-Cap). As it is, if you attempt to do Face Puppet "over the top of" a clip based on keyframes (from Face Key), the...More
I highly recommend you get in touch & partner with Kronos guys, they have a free version of their studio that can make concepting with foley effects, cinematic audio presentation fast & accurate. They also have a paid plugin called reformer pro that allows users to talk as creature voices which...More
This feels like a no-brainer to work fast, selecting a bone while in Edit Motionlayer mode make curve editor follow selection to jump between curves fast. Selecting a bone now, then manually finding it within the small searchwindow in Curve editor is un-intuitive and slow....More
I would like to set a slider to a sound frequency and make that slider move every time a frequency goes over a certain threshold. Say for instance, I wanted a light to blink every time the subwoofer or kick hits. instead of having to manually and tediously try to find each beat that doesn't...More
When the previous undo is not finished, if you operate the next undo with Ctrl + z, the software freezes in an hourglass state and the software is forcibly terminated. Repeating heavy undo processing increases the probability of forced termination in the same way. Please modify the program...More
The iClone online manual refers to a separate manual for the Curve Editor, which is from 2018: (see image) A lot has changed since then with now separate entries for FK and IK, so updated documentation is essential...More