iClone 8
Issue 11131
Need Animation plug-in
I would like to set a slider to a sound frequency and make that slider move every time a frequency goes over a certain threshold. Say for instance, I wanted a light to blink every time the subwoofer or kick hits. instead of having to manually and tediously try to find each beat that doesn't line up evenly with 60 frames per second, I could just set a driver up that was activated off of sound waves. The peak controller could have intensity, limiting, and life time durations like popcorn effects to manipulate fall off of animation. On/off functionality to save resources by turning off this plug-in when not needed. Set the frequency range to a high frequency so sliders will move only when high frequencies like high-hats hit. link or attach multiple sliders to this plug-in and animate them all at the same time. Choose the sound input or sound source. No need for adding more mp3 because Any channel inside of reallusion that has sound on it like, acculips, popcorn effects, or sound, will populate as an option to choose from. Choose 1 or more sound source.
OS: Windows 11
  •  1
  •  140
Submitted bytherealzizzer
I'm certain that there is a python plugin that does this in Reallusion's market place, I'm not fully certain but I think it only works with midi. However, you should be able to convert and wave or mp3 to midi with some online tools.