iClone 8
Issue 10974
Curve Editor limited to key frame values of 100,000
I know 100k sounds like a lot, but I'm using this with Unreal Live Link. This is not a huge number when dealing with Unreal.

If you create an animation on an object with a location (x,y,or z) value greater than 100,000 and attempt to modify the curve, the curve will flatten itself to 100,000

Steps to reproduce:
1) Open a clean iClone project.
2) Drag any object into the viewport.
3) On the Edit tab, modify the location transform to a value of 120,000 for x y and z.
4) Frame the object in the view port.
5) Drag the play head a few frame out. say 30.
6) Move the object on a single axis so that a simple unidirectional animation is created.
7) Open the curve editor
8) Frame one of the curves.
9) In the curve editor, click on a keyframe. Not the curve itself but the diamond shaped key frame.
10) Observe the keyframe being dropped to 100,000
11) Observe the object disappearing from the viewport.
12) Reframe the curve and attempt to move the keyframe to a value greater than 100,000. It won't allow you.
OS: Windows 11
  •  0
  •  176
Submitted byjames978