Would be great to have a pack for various beards, goatees etc to go along with these Eyebrow sets would be great also to use for unrealistic characters...More
Hello, I successfully rigged my non-CC-based character using CC4 AccuRig. Both the body and facial rigs are working flawlessly. I am trying to integrate the Expression Wrinkles system, which I can use for CC4 characters, into my custom character. However, when I attempt this, I receive the...More
Dear Dealer, It`s very annoying that CC4/iClone 8 did not support negative scale transformation. Frequently I need to invert an item from left to right. In any 3d package it is very easy: just input (-1) in x-scale and it`s done! Reallusion`s products do not accept this. It`s necessary to...More
Hi team, before the request, I have a cheer here. Being working as freelancer for the last 20 years and at the beginig of 2024 decided to test CC4. I worked for those two decades with "main stream" software. And let me tell you I was really surprised about CC4 since the first moment... so surprised...More
See attached image: When clicking Bake the slider jumps all the way to the top. This can be quite annoing in a fast workflow when in need of clicking Bake more then once on a slider...More
Hi, Reallusion It would really be nice with an CC Python API. For example, it would be beneficial to create a Python script that finds a specific morph in our custom characters and resets it before we delete the morph from the Neutral Base CC3+ character. To avoid doing this manually....More
Though trial and error, for a few days solid in a row, I've found a solution that will allow characters with displacement a way to have 0 cracks. The issue is caused by the bleed texture border/margin. I found that if you apply a glow effect using black for the edges with precision on each...More
In Character creator, the morph sliders don't work on accessories unless you add skin weights. However, some things like arm bands don't need skin weights but need to able to be reshaped to fitting. Yes you can use the mesh editor but that has its limits as you know. Please activate the already...More
Love the interactions with other sculpting and design software's However. can we have some videos showing the full scope of Reallusion CC4 without ANY outside software....More