*Various automatic toon joint profiles to apply to CC3+ characters *Universally apply toon joint to any kind of character defined in the Characterization process. *Apply physics to threshold range of particles between joints - could be spring joint so entire arm, leg, neck has a ripple/wave...More
Add on/off toggle on "Morph Sliders" Please add a "on/off" icon and feature on the Morph Sliders, so you can easy toggle the morph on/off with out setting value to 0 etc......More
I've suggested this idea in an earlier FT post but you've since added more compatible and worthwhile technology like AI Headshot and the Wrinkle System so I am pointing out the existing tech you already have to make this possible. A superior product catered to every unique users face for...More
You have animated morph slider functionality in Motion Live, we need this same functionality in the facial profile editor but highlight either a radial button next to the active slider or the label itself during facial calibration animations so we can better see which slider morph is at fault...More
Problem: For the longest time, the mirror option in CC4 had been mirroring the weights to the other side of the model on a bone that is either designated as left or right. Solution: It makes more sense if you make mirroring to opposite bone default (if the bone is named left or _L or _Right...More
When doing basic edits, especially for customizing facial expressions in the mesh editor, it would be very helpful to be able to select an edgeloop to then be able to transpose, rotate and scale it. This would make for quick jobs such as pulling out lips to form a pucker....More
Image matching tool: To me Headshot SHIFT+Q is kind of difficult to handle. The opacity slider makes of course the original shine half way through, but its quite difficult to clearly see the difference, at least in my case. To improve this i have the following suggestion:...More
[X] Advanced Material Merge List all meshes/sub meshes in a table, in the second column you write the merge name, all meshes with the same "merge name" get merged, pass info to InstaLOD, simple as that...;-)... ________________________________...More
1.I exported a facial expression profile of my CC3+ character so I could reapply it after adding tail bones in an external application 2. After adding bones, I imported into CC4 and only 3 compatible Characterization profiles were available. 3. My Visemes were still available but all the other...More
I wonder if the projection of the CC neutral base to the arbitrary mesh could be done in Zbrush rather than headshot 2, as then it's possible to bake any number of map, for example when using a head scan: https://www.3dscanstore.com/image//data/01%203D%20Head%20Models/HD%20Heads/Blender/M49...More