Changing the arm (Std_Skin_Arm ) color (Diffuse color) for a CC3+ character changes Std_Eye_R. Changing the Std_Eye_R changes Std_Skin_Arm . Changing colors for in Diffuse color for legs, head body=no problem....More
1.I exported a facial expression profile of my CC3+ character so I could reapply it after adding tail bones in an external application 2. After adding bones, I imported into CC4 and only 3 compatible Characterization profiles were available. 3. My Visemes were still available but all the other...More
It would be nice to be able to bake the Digital Human Eye shaders, such as changing the color of the iris, to the base map like you can with skin and hair. Right now, a character can be created with edits done to the eyes in the shaders, but when it is exported (like as FBX format) the eye...More
I've had to use this shader on other body parts for additional controls. At least unlock this shader in CC4, currently we can't edit the SSS textures or parameters. I've had to change the shader to another then make it go back to be able to make changes but you loose maps when you do this...More
How many times do you wish you had an additional material channel to fade in/out wetness or bake it into the existing channel? The ability to bake the blend channel was great although just as important would be the ability to blend in wetness as an overlay effect on a character, terrain or...More
Steps to reproduce: (Ensure Character Creator v 4.41, and or Iclone v 8.41 is installed) 1. Select Content > Template > Actor > Character > (Any character with hair)...More
Hi, I work a lot in the CC4 - Blender 4.x and/or CC4/IC8 - Unreal Engine 5.3 pipeline. In my opinion there are some things to fix when exporting characters to ensure better compatibility and management:...More
(1) How to make many texture maps of one object to one diffuse texture map ? (2) I need to make lights and shadow into the diffuse texture, like Render to texture function in the other 3D software. In the end, I just need one texure, and make it self-illunimation 100%. So that I don't need...More
Hello! I'm an artist that focuses on characters, and have recently rigged a custom character. I have both iclone and character creator, as well as some of your addons. I'd like to preface this by saying, I love the suite, and think it's a great system for creating humanoid characters and...More