When using the polygon reduction tool, I often end up with deleted polygons, and no way to fix it. It would be nice to have some control over the areas, so it's possible to use the tool, as the results elsewhere are really good....More
I hope you are planning to expand the current selection of figures, to support also toon/anime/manga style characters. Ideally, something like Vroid. The idea is that we can create humanoid characters that are resembling characters you may find in an anime or manga; or with the look of modern...More
The eyelash is a huge problem when trying to create highly optimised models for Unity. When using tools within Unity to optimise your models, the eyelashes end up as opaque blocks, unless they are given their own mesh and material. This means 2 additional draw calls (4 when lighting is applied...More
For character Creator to become more or less complete this would allow rapid change and complexity. 1. The creator would likely have to choose a preset for performance limiting constrains (how many parts can be used) This could include a new format: Non Human V2 which could be used with mocap...More
Because, I want to be able to remove character meshes at runtime, re-use (eg switch shoes) or want to use them for other characters, ie. sunglasses, hats etc. we need the option to either export selected meshes directly out of CC3, or as a character export without one combined mesh. That would...More
Attached see pic of a character I originally created in CC1, then to CC2 and finally to CC3. 1. There is something wrong with the conversion process as it has turned the eyes to a ghostly look as you run the animation. 2. I asked Support for help, but they seemed to be lost as to what to do...More
ok, probably what i gonna ask must be "impossible or near impossible but who knows right???. Would be cool if we could "clone" weight influence from already existing cloths when adding new cloths to CC library like for exemple: i go in daz and get a new bikini or underwear for female them...More
- fix for boots transfer weights, ok transfer boots weights for males can be a really trouble, while for females is fine for males is really a annoying task, due to the boots deforms to a size for "female" becoming small than the male character feet", in order to make the shoes work on the...More