Character Creator 3
Issue 5803
Modular Character Builder -draggable parts -part builder
For character Creator to become more or less complete this would allow rapid change and complexity.

1. The creator would likely have to choose a preset for performance limiting constrains (how many parts can be used) This could include a new format: Non Human V2 which could be used with mocap body and face rather than trying to adjust the existing non-human conversion/specification.

2.I imagine a list of modular parts such as types of heads, tails, wings, arms, legs, claws and jaws (jaw within a jaw) and designated/highlighted areas that the bones could snap to on a base model. Each part may need to have it's own root bone and is automatically removed if it's not the first model added to the scene and any existing bones remain. These parts will be composed of two main categories - mech and creature.

Mech could be not limited to mech character but also simple mechanical parts such as a crane, gears etc. Snap to grid would be very useful for building this kind of character/animated prop.

We've seen that the morph sliders can grow a character vastly and maybe the volume can merge with modular parts.

3. Although we can't change verts or UVs outside CC3 I think just like painting weight maps we should be able to define a shape/area for higher resolution (maybe curves for example) which can be hidden as paint/mask and then is applied on the model for when more detail is required -dynamic resolution brush.

4. AI behavior generator to generate animations (precision constrained & organic movements & speed but also calculates movements between user defined mobility parts in order to walk) once a movement pattern is created it can then be stored as an animation or is the animation being created directly by the AI.

You might of heard this before but the game "Spore" had something similar but seemed like it was only limited to organic animated creations.
OS: Windows 10
  •  2
  •  1806
Submitted byAscensi
To get the topology right as well they would need to make sure the UV seams are contoured.. no hard angles... this would allow for quality displacement and just like the premium skin generator, displacement modules could be created and used like modular parts that can be sized and positioned and fade at joints. The skin generator should have an option to generate displacement textures as well.
Just an idea to help make this work easily - Reallusion makes various bases or one main base that includes a full bone setup - quadraped, hexapede etc  The user can then use a morph slider to make any specific set of legs appear but they'd have to sculpt away a leg if they only wanted one on one particular side.  This would be true for morphing additional heads etc

I think Reallusion's original Creature base would have multi heads and multi legs, fingers all visible etc but have the default  project character with all those parts sculpted away and would just exist as a body.  Specific Arms and legs could be made to be ignored/masked when brought into iClone for mocap just like it currently does for locking IK movements of specific joints.

Reallusion - you may be able to make this fairly quickly (the skeletal system and clone the mesh limbs) -maybe everything but the facial expression morphs unless you just detach the body in each morph and attach the new mult-part body.. perhaps you could create a batch processing feature in 3DXChange to replace/interchange such parts at specific areas for fast updates and in the future maybe make it available to customers if needed.