Character Creator 3
Issue 5922
Anime/Manga/Toon content
I hope you are planning to expand the current selection of figures, to support also toon/anime/manga style characters. Ideally, something like Vroid.

The idea is that we can create humanoid characters that are resembling characters you may find in an anime or manga; or with the look of modern Disney 3d movies.

DAZ has some figures that are more caricature/toon oriented but it is not the same as having a proper geometry and related shaders.

Please either add the feature to create such figures in CC3, or allow users to import meshes that have such proportions, as FBX or OBJ for example. Unity is able to load Miku Miku Dance figures, so it would be great if CC3 would be able to do something similar.
Otherwise, if you can do something like Vroid; and allow export of the figure in Unity or Unreal, that would work too.

Why don't I use Vroid directly? Because the clothing is limited, and once you export from Vroid, you can't re-import and modify a character, so the workflow is not sustainable.
OS: Windows 10
  •  0
  •  1339
Submitted bylollosone