Here are my issues. 1. My workflow demanded that Body Mesh UV must be edited before the UVs of multiple Meshes got combined. Since CC3 is primarily not a modeling tool, its understandable that UV Editing Tool is not included....More
Greetings, I tested Auto Hide Model Polygons (AHMP) plug-in for CC3.01 and have to say that current visualization method makes polygons definition process for Auto Hide feature extremely hard because used method does not give clear visual control which polygon selected and which one not ....More
Minor request: A tool to scale your character or get a measurement of how tall said character is in real world units or at least to say that one unit in CC3 is equal to 1 meter or something and get the height of your character that way....More
I have been using Character creator 3 pipeline it seems like a fantastic option from editing to integration however I have had many problems in relation to the structure of the skeleton game base in relation to the hands...More
---------------------------------------------------- Graphic engine used: Unreal engine 4 Character creator 3 pipeline: character set up ready to play with simplified bones all by default...More
I wish there was a export setting to separate the head and body meshes. I believe this would be more efficient in game engines that utilize blendshapes/morphs. Though you'd have two skinned meshes instead of one, only the head would have blendshapes since the body's verts aren't affected...More