The problem arise when you need to place a decal right over UV seams. It maybe difficult to implement real-time decal placement over UV seams, as it require a "heavy" image processing. The workaround by using same 2 decals and matching across the UV, is also not possible. At the current state...More
This is a major drawback with mesh sculpting, weight painting and mesh hiding. No brushes work on back faces. This makes an extremely difficult case of working with hair particularly (where a lot of back faces are facing the front), and many other like with weight painting where dense mesh...More
I would love for CC3 characters to have some nice Joint Controlled/ corrective Morphs. Their joints are really freaky looking when bent. Fingers, knees, and elbows should not look like bent plastic straws, if they had good joint morphs set up. It causes extremely limited movement options for...More
I need more diversity in my characters but there are only white people, Why? I have to pay more to have Black and Asian people, Seems a little racist. there is a dark skin for fingernails but thats it. why would you give us dark skin shader for fingernails but not anything else? heads, body...More
This is stupid. I know you guys / affiliates want to make money but having an email sent with 1000 "free" DA-points is all good an all to get people hooked but having items that are essentially textures, not actual items in the store is fooling people. So I got 1000 DA-points, never used any...More
I know Unity is constantly updating but if your team could please add an asset in the Unity Asset Store please so it's easy to find and update. If that is not possible if you could please update the Auto-Setup Unity package you have provided us with to work with Unity version 2019.4.8 because...More
It is not possible to create rolling flat eyes with CC, Not all Chatacter have rounded eyes e.g. Anime Character A another solution that came in my mind is buggy....More