UV island margins should be in place for Insta LOD UV generated maps. They are too close to each other and in some instances are crossing. The makes impossible to generate Physix weight maps for anything decimated and baked. See screenshots......More
The problem arise when you need to place a decal right over UV seams. It maybe difficult to implement real-time decal placement over UV seams, as it require a "heavy" image processing. The workaround by using same 2 decals and matching across the UV, is also not possible. At the current state...More
Names of blendShapes do not match with ARKIT https://developer.apple.com/documentation/arkit/arfaceanchor/blendshapelocation/ As a result, the model does not work in ARkit...More
When you export a CC3+ character with MergedMeshes, import it into Unreal, the default setting for Opacity is too low, the default value for ORM multiplier is too low. And parts of the texture look overly glossy, or even dirty. In any way the presentation is in stark contrast to what the actual...More
I know you have change it a few times already, but that is not sufficient enough. Users are constantly asking the same questions over and over at the forum. Seems everyone is confused about importing characters, accessories and cloth....More
I right click an image in my Explorer and drag it into my scene then select to create an ImageLayer. Since all the money I spent on CC, Headshot and SkinGen still don't allow me to use a side view image to adjust my face to look correct it seems this is the only way to load in a side view...More
There seems to be a new problem exporting OBJ meshes to Blender. I am trying to find a work-around for the unresolved mess with FBX exports, so I thought I could export OBJ figure meshes and rig them in Blender with Rigify, but this fails at the stage where I attempt to parent the mesh to the...More
Hey everbody, i figured out an issue. If you import your own new cloth mesh and the mesh name is to long, the export on all characters will always fail (execpt if you export the mesh immediately inside your import scene). So as soon you put your cloth in to your custom content in content...More