Description This is easily fixable but is highly inconvenient for high-volume operations. Auto-setup creates all HDRP materials just fine but the RGB map (surface inputs/base map/rgb map) is wrong -should be FFFFFF- and chars appear "bleached" when dropped in scene....More
I have a problem with the rig when exporting to Unity. I attached a image of my issue. Left is a default CC3+ character which you can see bends quite badly when arms aim up (and down). Right is how it should be. I can supply a sample project if needed, but it is bigger than the max file size...More
Hi there, i am trying to export my character creator as fbx, with embedded textures and also without embedded texture to marvelous designer, but whenever i did import as fbx in MD, the material look scary, i don't know what i am doing wrong please help, i even tried with obj file it same....More
With this idea I'd like to fully revolutionize cartoon character building by having a Photobooth Plugin for CC3/4 I see the plugin fully automating/capturing all necessary parts instantly for 360 Characters *Captures from Cartoon Shaded Characters...More
I have the same problem. Reinstall didn't fix the problem. I have cc3 and the corresponding extension. I downloaded it via Hub. I have a fairly solid configuration where the latest programs fit flawlessly, so I don't think I have a hardware or even operating system problem. I tried many different...More
This forum thread describes the issue with pictures: Merged Materials do not export properly, usually generating duplicate blank "No Name" materials....More
Please create and add a user interface and feature set to allow a user to create and save customized facial expressions and body morph settings as exportable morph dials for use in game engines as blendshapes....More
The render pipeline for Unity has changed. The class referenced in the DLL ( UnityEditor.Experimental.Rendering.HDPipeline.HDEditorUtils) is no longer valid and throws an exception when you attempt to import the character following the steps outlined the reallusion documentation. The export...More
According to my research on the subject matter, right now Blender is closing in on this particular niche of the rendering industry with their grease pencil tool and free plugins like BEER, which you can learn more about if you follow this link to the plugin's official website: https://blendernpr...More
Description Blend shapes for new eye elements (occ. and tearline) do not move along with eye animation. Is this intentional behaviour i.e. work I must do myself inside Unity - or just a bug?...More