This happens in any project. The motion blur seems to be compounding. This post has examples:
Regardless of what scaling setting / compatibility setting I use, iClone's dockable areas take up too much of the screen when at 4K resolution, even when they prevent me from shrinking them any further. I have tested setting my Windows DPI scaling down from its recommended 250% to 100% and...More
Being able to export compositing elements such as normal, depth, and object ID mattes for use in software like Nuke or After Effects would be convenient. This is similar to the capabilities of the now-discontinued Iray plugin, which I do not own. At times, a simple render is all that's needed...More
OK so I can’t seem to understand why you’re more focused on unreal and it seems like Iclone8 is just a $500 unreal plug-in I see you doing more tutorials on using iClone in conjunction with Live links and unreal but unreal is a free piece of software, so I am a bit confused on why you’re focused...More
they are empty shells with none of the plugins I purchased for iclone v7, no access to the smart gallery, and my projects and assets are not showing from iclone v6,7 CCv1,2,3. this is unusable without the plugins I purchased. why no smart gallery option to re-install purchased content?...More
When I expand the "Switch Custom Library" drop-down list, it is covered by another window and I cannot select other items from the list. I have to move the content window out of the workspace and then select the given item from the list. Please make the drop-down list that it is above the other...More
There needs to be a way to resize the UI in both IClone and Character Creator. Even at 4k resolution the UI is gigantic, to the point that the actual 3d viewport is TINY if you are going to actually do anything. Compare an open scene in IClone with a similar scene in Unreal, Unity or 'any...More
This fbx camera was created in Hitfilm Pro using Camtrack AR, using the following steps: Shoot video with Camtrack AR, MP4 video at 30 FPS or 60 FPS. Error occurs with either rate. Import tracking data into hitfilm which creates a 3d camera in a composite shot....More
1. Open Tabs Create a Hit on Frame Rate - How to check? use iClone's FPS counter and start closing Tabs. My suggestion is to either auto hide tabs when the mouse is over the viewport or use let users create and save tab & layout presets that are related to the workflow. (Work Flow Preset) While...More
I usually add 4k noise to my characters and props to add realism but doing this on the camera makes more sense and may very likely, make me not have to use such high quality maps to make things look good -unless I have to use the characters and props in an external program like Omniverse that...More