This is really bad to find out that I've been working so hard to build my cartoon only to be dismayed my the lack of integrations you have available. This hurts so bad to find out that the programs you use can't be used on Mac OS systems. How is it that you can download Cartoon Animator 4 on...More
Could you please make it possible to have a remote kinect send data from one laptop (without iClone) to a networked PC with iClone? I know you can do it because you already do it with the LiveFace app on the iPhone. All the data can be stored in JSon and streamed over the network. I've seen...More
What about developing a face capture plugin for the Kinect 2.0 or the Windows Hello Sensor in the Microsoft Surface and other laptops? A Microsoft Surface is less expensive than the iPhone X and it would be easier to rationalize its purchase in a Windows/iClone environment. From the internet...More
Dear all, I brought the mocap plugin for icone but Microsoft is discontinued the xbox kinect sensor. instead of that microsoft and intel is working on new technology "Realsense" check here
Hi my kinect XBOX 360 works without any problems, but the Kinect Mocap Plug-in - Xbox 360 v1.21 Trial says "initiation fail" I've unistalled all sdk versions from my pc (windows 10) and installed only the mocap plug-in. Like this the kinect doesn't work with for example Skanect, but as I install...More
You provided the option to users to force the max texture resolution size for the entire project, how about based on camera proximity and a raycast from camera scan, props can be pre-calculated to reduce resolution? -what isn't seen by the camera and doesn't need to show in reflections is reduced...More
I'd like iClone to utilize all of my graphics cards and gpu/cpu cores. I see that IRAY has that ability partially and I'm somewhat relieved but it doesn't see video ram as one resource from multiple dedicated graphics cards installed and it's the same for iClone. Apparently Vulkan doesn't need...More