The curve editor isn't working with iclone 7.7. I have the avatar selected. I have the cursor at frame 402 where I made edits and there is no activity in the curve editor. It just seems dead. I can't frame a curve or go to the part of the time line where there should be a curve and it doesn...More
The curve editor stopped working again a couple of weeks ago, when I checked I needed some updates to the iclone programs which I installed and that fixed the problem. so now I have all the latest updates an yet I find again the curve editor has stopped working properly. when animating figures...More
After the latest update, Curve Editor plugin crashes iClone when started with right mouse click on a clip. If started from plugins menu, there is no crash, but it does not show any curves from a clip (sampled of course)...More
Dear Reallusion! I bought Iclone pipeline (CC 3dxchange) in september from you. The program runs on Nvidia GTX 1080 series. Until december was no problem with running Iclone with nvidia driver 39... installed....More
This is really bad to find out that I've been working so hard to build my cartoon only to be dismayed my the lack of integrations you have available. This hurts so bad to find out that the programs you use can't be used on Mac OS systems. How is it that you can download Cartoon Animator 4 on...More
I am currently making turn-in-place animations with iClone7. I mainly use reach target editor and curve editor for IK movement of the feet while the whole body is moving (rotating). The Character is Unreal's default mannequin. (See the attached zip) The thing is when I export it directly from...More
Step 1: Attempt to start iClone with three monitors configured for extending desktop to all three displays Result: 3 out 4 attempts the application will freeze and I must use task manager to end the process. 1 out of 4 times it will open correctly and I can user the application. This only...More
Not only is the curve editor exhibiting weird behavior as described in Issue 3868 (, but the curve optimization does not work as expected now. For example, if I have a curve with 8 keys in it...More
The editor will behave properly for a couple edits then suddenly bugs out. If I touch one handle of one key then the whole line goes bananas (see attached file). I uninstalled and reinstalled the curve editor but it still behaves crazy. There are times I will grab a handle and move it and...More