I have what I think is a large project file of about 300,000 polys that 7.02 has been happily chugging along with. Updated to 7.1 and now when I try to preview or add an animation it crashes instantly. I have uninstalled and reinstalled 7 but now I can't open my project file (I assume there...More
hi trying to transfer a character from iclone but there's no joy... it seems the CC3 BASE AS SOON as the transfer tab is clicked, UE4 4.24.2 crashes? , it seems to work with the CC1 BASE... unreal just reports an error which says "(01) Can't evaluate frame for 'Outfits_DH_Kevin_0'. No data...More
Take a character, move some of the bones in the hand and create a gesture. In my sample file I made two moves, which resulted in two clips, when I then merged, but I think this will crash iClone without even doing that. Go to collect clip (the old way, since you can't save Gestures with the...More
Sometimes the wrong texture images get applied to part of a prop. CROSS-REFERENCE ISSUE #5237: https://www.reallusion.com/FeedBackTracker/Issue/Wrong-shaders-assignment-in-mi-export-files-on-complex-props...More
After the latest update, Curve Editor plugin crashes iClone when started with right mouse click on a clip. If started from plugins menu, there is no crash, but it does not show any curves from a clip (sampled of course)...More
When you use the new iClone 7.41 feature to Render in "Full Screen" mode for improved performance, it leaves the Iray panel and Iray icon tray open. This prevents true full screen mode, since the preview window does not stretch all the way across the monitor. DESIRED RESULT:...More
I'm loading simple scenes into iclone 7 (Warlords's space background, several free planets, and reallusion sun. As soon as I scroll or try to drag another item into the scene, the darn thing locks up and crashes. Anybody got any suggestions? I got Win 10, GTX 1080, I7 7700K, 64 GB Memory...More
Just tried to use iClone after several updates (iClone 7.02.0915.1, Super PBR Tools patch, some freebie content, and added some Mixamo-3DX-iClone motion conversions). Two main issues that were not present before updates: 1) iClone boot time -- seems to stall while loading icColorManagementSection...More
Not everyone can afford to pay thousands for motioncapture suits and plugins on top of that however there are many options now available in game engines such as unity and unreal to use the htc vive with trackers as a cheaper mocap solution. It would be nice to be able to use this directly...More