Hi. I tried sample optimize the animation but I faced a sliding Issue as shown in this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lHemEW9q-SM&feature=youtu.be...More
When I open some of my projects iclone becomes completely unusable, I can click on what ever, adjust what ever, but nothing happens in the project window! Also i cant use or move the project window in anyway, iclone is at this state totally a dead stick and useless. On other project all the...More
Here reporting 2 separate bugs with moving props along the terrain and a projected path. 1. Whenever "Follow Terrain" is enabled a prop can be moved perfectly along custom terrain manually (with a Gizmo). However, as soon as Start/End transform keys are generated, the prop movement is taken...More
I have iray plugin for iclone. I press the preview button and nothing appears. Same with render button. All operations with iray go too slow in iclone, while in character creator they work fine....More
I have been getting many errors trying to use a custom character in iClone 7 pipeline and then transfer that data back to Maya 2017 under Windows 8.1 I can easily do this in iClone 6/3dXchange pipeline >>>from support ticket<<<...More
After the latest update of my GPU's driver (version 436.15 for rtx 2080ti), iClone and Character Creator dont open(dont launch). Only the photo appears in the beginning but the softwares dont run. Probably is a fault of the driver and i already contacted them. But I wanted to inform you about...More
Hello 1st issue::: Clothing from CC on CC model - not conforming to the model in Unreal (import) / and cloth painting in unreal doesnt work as a possible fix CC auto setup seems only apply to cc directly to unreal without an option to do auto setup for cc models that have been animated in...More
So I've noticed--and apparently some others have to--that neither iClone 7.9 (or CC3.4) offer to restore a file after a crash. It's happened to me on multiple files, some big and complex, some just one character and no props, and it's not offered once since the update. Because it's happened...More