can not copy and paste a motion on the time anywhere. also, the auto play is not working when applying a motion, or audio file. even with the box checked in preferences. in addition. removing animation from project does not work....More
Hi, I'm trying to download items using smart gallery. the problem is that anytime I click on an item, it looks as if it download it, but at the end...More
When I try to open the help within iclone firefox reports the tab has crashed. Now I use ghostery to stop snooping by third parties, if I turn ghostery off before I try to open the help page then it loads fine. This is also true of the members login page which fails to load the login boxes...More
Hi there! I've experienced an unusual bug a couple of times when animating characters in iClone 7.2 Sometimes when I load the character into a scene, or just at random when I put the character through a walk or run animation, one or both of the character's feet (and legs) will suddenly flip...More
I imported a custom hair but when i move the character the bounding box becomes huge and it gets difficult to control the character. And this happens only when i have enabled the physics for the hair. If the physics are not enabled thats not happening. What i ve done wrong? Please could someone...More
I've been working on a project with a simple avatar, a chair and a table. I've got facial mocap through MotionLive in the Expression track. I've added audio using an audio file and manually changing the visemes (language is Dutch so the AccuLips don't work well). Now I'm adding body motion...More
In previous versions (7.02 and below) if you applied, say, a walking motion to a character then masked out the lower body and applied a different motion over the same frames to the upper body, the walking animation would remain and the new motion would affect only the upper body. In 7.1, using...More
Hi, I know that the technology to make Live Face work is the iphone X IR camera with software based on Faceshift (apple), but Faceshift were working with Intel realsense cameras as hardware for their system. It would be great if Reallusion could pursue a depth sensing facial tracking solution...More