So, I've added a wrinkle map (Deep_Bulky from the paid pack) to my character, edited a few settings in the wrinkle editor, and it works fine in animation mode in CC4 for a couple frames, but then it gets weird. See picture. Also renders weird, and then it stays weird until I deactivate the...More
Browsed the Wrinkles feature offering, nearly purchased the package(s). First, it appears the Dynamic and Essentials are two different packages, to be purchased separately. Combine them into a single package, otherwise, it just seems like nickle and dime-ing customers. It turns off customers...More
* Finally you have the ability to generate displacement maps from normal maps, yes, I've also tested SkinGen and the maps work correctly!!! However.. we need the displacement maps converted from the normals of the other body parts to be able to sculpt and blend a whole character!! -right...More
Hey guys, 4.2 broke the mouth open as morph feature for fbx exporting. 4.2.1 fixed it, but now my models are exporting with duplicate and broken blendshapes, and it's making unity puke....More
After wrinkles are applied, the I can move the sliders for expressions. The wrinkles work. However, once I save the expression, the wrinkles vanish. It's important to be able to save expressions. This was a huge feature advertised just a few months ago. We need the wrinkles to work with saved...More
Reallusion has great product family and we have been using most of it as this point. Recently we have currently purchased the wrinkle expression package and it worked very well with our avatars in CC4. We have been using ARKit tool base face mocap too which require the CC3+ traditional facial...More
1.I exported a facial expression profile of my CC3+ character so I could reapply it after adding tail bones in an external application 2. After adding bones, I imported into CC4 and only 3 compatible Characterization profiles were available. 3. My Visemes were still available but all the other...More
I've noticed that when Expression Wrinkles is turned on, characters' faces look extra grainy/noise when I'm moving around in the viewport in CC4. It's a bit subtle, so it's hard to show extremely clearly. But here's a video where I'm toggling Expression Wrinkles. You can see how grainy it looks...More
I've suggested this idea in an earlier FT post but you've since added more compatible and worthwhile technology like AI Headshot and the Wrinkle System so I am pointing out the existing tech you already have to make this possible. A superior product catered to every unique users face for...More
Steps to reproduce: 1. Load Camila model (or any other high-quality model) 2. Apply any expression loop emotion to model (I tried happy and sad ones) using ExPlus...More