If you are going to ask us to place suggestions and stuff in feedback tracker, it would be helpful to know its being viewed and taken into consideration by the development team at reallusion, so that we not just writing into the wind on wishful suggestions. bodyshot: just like headshot but...More
Hello When 3DXchange is not around and discontinued, How are we supposed to rig and import morphs of quadrupeds (for instance from DAZ)???????? this is what I get from your support team....More
When exporting a character from CC4 to Unity as an FBX (Target Tool Preset: Unity 3D, Mouth Open as Morph), I repeatedly end up with duplicate blendshapes on the character's mesh. What typically happens (I've tested this over and over on different models) is that the first occurrence of the...More
Hi, I just downloaded CC4 and I am trying to use to morph editor on the Camila base model but every time I load the model in the arm status says file not found and the morph editor does not work when I try to slide a slider. furthermore, it seems like a lot of sliders are missing in the first...More
Hi, Reallusion It would really be nice with an CC Python API. For example, it would be beneficial to create a Python script that finds a specific morph in our custom characters and resets it before we delete the morph from the Neutral Base CC3+ character. To avoid doing this manually....More
In Character creator, the morph sliders don't work on accessories unless you add skin weights. However, some things like arm bands don't need skin weights but need to able to be reshaped to fitting. Yes you can use the mesh editor but that has its limits as you know. Please activate the already...More
When I import an animation from Mixamo, the animation applied to my character has shoulders too high and thumbs twisted incorrectly. STR: 1. Download an animation from mixamo (Swagger walk in this example), 60FPS....More
In the current version, the body morphs affected the position of the bones is not applied exactly (as is). Every time I apply the same morph to a neutral character, the position of the bones (and the whole character) unpredictably changes along the Z axis in the range of 1 mm (each time the...More