Is there anyway to adjoin to separate obj files once in CC3. I was having issues editing mesh - editing elements on shoes, so I modified the original obj file and exported two separate files (One Left Shoe & One Right Shoe) and imported the two files in CC3. Now when I get to the transfer skin...More
Hi Devs, this is a real big pain to have to work with, sometimes creators may not know what sliders are default with Character Creator and this creates a BIG problem for creators and customer support when creators find this issue. I don't want to have to redo work if I create content for customers...More
Hi there when ever I try to export the character to Unreal with (Merge beard and brows into one object) option, I face the issue program crash and closed....More
ExPlus is almost useless to those of us working in game development if these ARKit blendshapes are stripped out of any character that's been converted to GameBase. I know the lack of polys will make the expressions less subtle but stripping them out completely is a huge mistake. We could really...More
Please can the _SSSMaps be included in the textures folder when exporting a character that's been converted to GameBase? so the equivalent of Std_Skin_Head_Pbr_SSSMap.jpg...More
UV island margins should be in place for Insta LOD UV generated maps. They are too close to each other and in some instances are crossing. The makes impossible to generate Physix weight maps for anything decimated and baked. See screenshots......More
When working on assets in CC3 it would be great to be able to update the UV's while working towards the finished product. I had hoped you could use the Zbrush bridge for this but I has no option for for UV update....More
I primarily use a stylus for work and having zoom behaviour locked to the mouse wheel is inconvenient. I'd like to suggest having navigation be customizable between mouse clicks(LMB/MMB/RMB) and function keys (ctrl/shift/alt) or having zoom be linked to alt + mmb, since alt + lmb is pan...More
When exporting a character to FBX there are inconsistency between the Body mesh and the beards/brows items from Smart Hair. This occurs either while exporting to Blender or to Unity (I did not try other export method but I think it will be the same) It happens regardless if the Beards/Brows...More
After downloading the latest update of CC3, All our custom hairstyles disappeared. I noticed that the Hair is added to *Users > Public > Public Documents > Reallusion > Shared Custom* instead of the usual...More