i like all other users am unable to preform the photo to character pipeline because CC3 does not accept RL Heads sent from CT8. This renders the application (CC3) useless for puposes we used it for. ie turning real characters into a 3d character. Also the appearance editor does not work...More
- fix for boots transfer weights, ok transfer boots weights for males can be a really trouble, while for females is fine for males is really a annoying task, due to the boots deforms to a size for "female" becoming small than the male character feet", in order to make the shoes work on the...More
Hello, I have noticed that when exporting to Unity and I set the export option on my character to Merge Material (I use by type), that it does not add an alpha channel to the texture and causes the eyelashes to show up as either white or black in the game engine depending on the character....More
currently the character from CC3 is around 16k poligons with 32k tris, which while overal still a good number, could be good to add a "more high poly version" for more "ending game pcs and top consoles like xbox one and ps4 and for the income future of ps5 and new xbox, many triple A games...More
in the same way we can use transformation for daz characters be able to use transformation also for CC fuse from adobe the current beta version and the 1.3 steam version, CC does have a awesome free library of cloths and acessories and it could be very helpfull be able to import that things...More
like in daz studio be able to export to fbx files the morphs targets from CC3, in my opnion this is one of the big miss of character creator, being able to export the morphs direct from CC can make easy and fast build characters customization in game, this is being for me a big problem in using...More
Hi i have tried posing the eyes in CC3, but there is not an apparent way to do this, when the eyes are selected the are no transform tools operational to move / pose the eyes? why is that?...More
After writing to your assistance, they told me that this problem is a bug and to write here. Basically, when I export to Unreal Engine 4 many skeletal bones are not where they should be and this creates big problems in retargeting existing animations. I enclose some pictures. I state that I...More
Originally I noticed that eyes imported from Daz3d with larger eyes did not fully close. I attempted a test with the default model and noticed that if the eyes are larger than normal, even with the base mesh, it will not fully close. This should be considered a bug if the base mesh is having...More