Currently the rigging tool is made for humanoids with flexible joints. It would be nice to see a feature for rigging rigid or semi-rigid characters. For example let's say I have a stone golem model with a floating head. I would like to make his arm and leg joints flexible, but keep the head...More
I came across actor core when I was looking for animations for game dev, there are so many random movement animations but no animations that can be used for creating LOCOMOTION, motions like turning, stand to sit, sit to stand, walk start - stop....etc. It would be great if there were complete...More
If you have a character that the auto bone detect does not work properly, fixing the position of the bones is next to impossible. since all movement is 'screen relative' , a small / slight movement in screen space ALWAYS ends up moving the bone significantly in the 'depth' of the scene, so...More
I keep getting the error that my polycount for my imported mesh is too high (above 600K) when it is clearly not. I have checked my polygon count in my 3D app, and it is well below 600K. I even reduced the polygon count by HALF just to be sure, and Accurig still thinks its above 600K. How can...More
Mirror and Move in place options seem to only work half the time for me. I'm using Firefox. This issue has been ongoing ever since I first purchased motions a few months back....More
I would like to see musician motions. Guitar / bass with moving fingers / guitar leads / held chords / Slide leads etc/ drums 4/4 5/4 7/4 different time signatures and styles / keyboards etc you get the idea. :) If this was put into a package I would buy it for sure....More
I'm surprised at the lack of female motion packs. For every male action, there should be a parallel female action, unless it's specifically gender-related (like a woman lifting her breast to look at her abs, or a man fixing his pants so they don't ride up so high). I need female solder movements...More
I am reaching out to you regarding a persistent issue I am encountering with AccuRIG. Despite numerous attempts, I have been unable to upload any of my actor models to Actorcore. Each time I attempt to do so, I receive the following error message: "Error Occurred while uploading character to...More
I have a problem uploading a character on actorcore. After successfully rigging the character (accurig 1.3.2), I click on the upload to ActorCore button, but it says "actor count exceeded!. Although I don’t have a single uploaded actor on my account!!! Help me fix the problem. what should I...More