This is really bad to find out that I've been working so hard to build my cartoon only to be dismayed my the lack of integrations you have available. This hurts so bad to find out that the programs you use can't be used on Mac OS systems. How is it that you can download Cartoon Animator 4 on...More
The Curve Editor manual mentions here (if you click on "Note"): ...that the Curve Editor will be updated at some point...More
First upon double clicking a different project file the user will be presented with a new dialogue that allows the user to select which environmental/visual and render settings or models to merge with the current open project. iproject can retain more scene setup information than saving as...More
Step 1: Attempt to start iClone with three monitors configured for extending desktop to all three displays Result: 3 out 4 attempts the application will freeze and I must use task manager to end the process. 1 out of 4 times it will open correctly and I can user the application. This only...More
I Would love to have the ability to control the keyframes of the position of the XYZ for character limbs and body inside curve editor. Right now you can only control the rotation of limbs inside the curve editor, which makes it hard to do clean-up for mocap....More
I am currently making turn-in-place animations with iClone7. I mainly use reach target editor and curve editor for IK movement of the feet while the whole body is moving (rotating). The Character is Unreal's default mannequin. (See the attached zip) The thing is when I export it directly from...More
Editing the curves of an avatar on i-Clone to fix or improve issues with the animation is something really hard to do in Forward Kinematics, that's why we would appreciate if you could improve the curve editor by replacing the rotation curves "upperarm", "forearm" and "hand" by translation...More
I rarely complain about set up but this is making me pull my hair out. Usually when I animate the curve editor goes below the timeline and snaps to it and remains there and scrolls with it. I can't do this with iclone its making me crazy i am constantly dragging the timeline around the screen...More
To move the actor's root in sync with the movement. For convenient rotation of the actor at the end of the movement. For convenience of the further application of movements to the actor.
• Work with DAZ Productions to develop a more seamless, FBX-less, native DAZ file importer; should work with characters, props, clothing, and even entire scenes in the .DUF or .DSA or .DSE file format. And should work with Character Creator and iClone especially, without the need for 3DXChange...More