I noted that one user said his sound card caused the issue, but that seems not to be a universal cure. Sometimes it likes the audio, sometimes it doesn't. Align gives the error. Align Partial gives the error. What is most perturbing is, when I select the exact text to align, and the code takes...More
Editing the curves of an avatar on i-Clone to fix or improve issues with the animation is something really hard to do in Forward Kinematics, that's why we would appreciate if you could improve the curve editor by replacing the rotation curves "upperarm", "forearm" and "hand" by translation...More
iClone doesnt import the animation of the camera(exported from unreal engine 4.26) But blender reads it. So when i import the same fbx file to blender and export it again to iclone then it reads it Dont know if its an iclone's issue or unreal's but i wanted to let you know :)...More
I don't know if it's an actual bug or not but one would think when you copy and paste key frames of joint positions that, if the keyframe along with joint position will fit, that iClone will paste a new absolute world space position of the body part. I'm specifically using the Edit Motion...More
when you hit shortcut A on timeline doesnt create keyframes anymore and when you hit the delete button with selected keyframe deletes the whole character not just the keyframe...More
Every time I try rendering the video from iclone, it is crashing my system by giving BSOD critical process stopped error. It was corrupting the boot sector, I had to go into recovery mode and use command prompt to fix boot sector, only then will the computer start. This started happening...More
Hi RL, during the editing process I always struggle with 3 limitations, which i hope one day (hopefully not too far away...) you will plan to fix: 1. the Mini Viewport is... "really "mini" : I understand somebody gave it this name, but in the age of multi-monitors it would come really in...More
Pose editor does not show all the bones within the model. Toe gap is an example of a morph where we could not see the bones shift. When making a new morph with any bone-shifting morphs, it cannot be used within the morph animator. Here is a list of other morphs that do not work with the morph...More
Hello, when applying audio to one character no sound is coming out. The audio track is there with waveform. I have checked the audio settings in windows 10, audio on applications (Iclone 7 shows up fine, unmuted), and everything seems ok. I can't find a reason why. I even uninstalled the program...More
Hi, I'm Paul. I've been using iClone 7's Motion Live & LIVE FACE plugins to do all of my lipsynching in the last couple of months without any issue. But, this week, I moved into my new home and I am using a brand new Wifi Internet with a new router as a result but, through the same company...More