iClone 7
Issue 6994
Unable to do any lipsynching using IClone 7's "Motion LIVE - LIVE FACE" plugin - " Failed to connect LIVE FACE"
Hi, I'm Paul. I've been using iClone 7's Motion Live & LIVE FACE plugins to do all of my lipsynching in the last couple of months without any issue. But, this week, I moved into my new home and I am using a brand new Wifi Internet with a new router as a result but, through the same company and at same service level. However, now I'm unable to connect my Motion Live plugin on my PC with my LIVE FACE app on my iPhone X . I'm persistently getting a failure to connect message every time I try to connect my iClone's Motion LIVE - LIVE FACE Plugin with my LIVE FACE app on my iPhone X.

The IP address on the Motion LIVE plugin do match with the LIVE FACE app on my computer and so does the the WIFI network that I'm connected to on my PC as well as the WIFI network the iphone X is connected to. I've even tried connecting my laptop PC directly to my Internet router with a cable and it still gives me the same "Failed to Connect LIVE FACE" message over and over again.

Incidentally, my internet is working fine and I tested my Internet speed and it averages between 90-119 mbps (download) and about 11 mbps (upload).

Also, I'm unable to "Refresh" the Smart Gallery Contents. Each time I press the "Refresh" button in the Smart Gallery, I get the following error message: "Failed to access the network. Please check your Internet connection and log into your member account". I've tried logging in to my Reallusion account but, no luck there as well.

Can you please help point me in the right direction towards rectifying this issue.


Paul Casaba
OS: Windows 10
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Submitted byrmk4t5