I rarely complain about set up but this is making me pull my hair out. Usually when I animate the curve editor goes below the timeline and snaps to it and remains there and scrolls with it. I can't do this with iclone its making me crazy i am constantly dragging the timeline around the screen...More
The icons items names are squeezed together in in the curve editor window. I tried changing the font sizes on my computer and in iClone. But the results are always unreadable. If I hover over a curve, there is no tool tip to tell me what curve is being edited. So I have to guess. I'm using...More
Curve Editor "Frame" does not work if one value. If you select Transformation - Position X - Frame, the value is not positioned in the center. If you can not see it, you can not see it at all....More
To move the actor's root in sync with the movement. For convenient rotation of the actor at the end of the movement. For convenience of the further application of movements to the actor. https://www.youtube.com/edit?o=U&video_id=6SM5j-vqypc...More
Editor of curves. Add feature: select the whole curve and shift it by entering a digital value. There are situations when the settings do not work: Animation - Motion Setting Options - Align Actor Motion; Align to Actor Orientation; Reset Motion Root; Reset Motion Root Rotation....More
Not only is the curve editor exhibiting weird behavior as described in Issue 3868 (https://www.reallusion.com/FeedBackTracker/Issue/Curve-Editor-goes-bananas-with-iClone-7-21-update), but the curve optimization does not work as expected now. For example, if I have a curve with 8 keys in it...More
The editor will behave properly for a couple edits then suddenly bugs out. If I touch one handle of one key then the whole line goes bananas (see attached file). I uninstalled and reinstalled the curve editor but it still behaves crazy. There are times I will grab a handle and move it and...More
If I select a character I can bring up the Edit Motion Layer (either by "N" shortcut or from the Modify>Motion menu) and it works normally, however when I try to edit the motion with the Curve Editor the "FK mode" button doesn't work. If the EditMotionLayer menu is active when I open the Curve...More
Hi RL and Icloner, How can we convert a motionpath into curve Data? We tried everything but perhaps it is afeature for the next update? Is there a way to convert the path into curve-Data?...More