I've cycled through the list of bones to identify influences and also selected verts on body parts such as the foot to know why the verts are being stretched over to the opposite side as if the Characterization ignores the toe weight paint - Also why in bone edit mode the breast bones are symmetric...More
Hello, when using the Unreal Plug-In to export my Character into unreal, the hair loses an immense amount of quality and appears translucent. The product uses a Smart Hair product....More
Pose based retargeting by using a Dynamic 3D version of the Human Retargeting Characterization map -the user customizes the 3D Characterization pose altering it to match the character to be retargeted. For example If you posed the Dynamic Human Characterization model into a quadruped pose there...More
To replicate the issue and see it clearly, position character head to the lower-left corner in the view-port and render with TemporalAA for Anti-Aliasing....More
Hi Support-Team, I am new to Character Creator and i have a big Problem with the CC4 Camila Actor. I Just double click on Camila then rotate her face in viewport to show the Problem part in her face and then i start the Iray Render Preview. Only this 3 steps....More
Hi, I'm trying to get to the Native Morph Slider, as seen in this video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eW3CKACbo_4&ab_channel=Reallusion It seems that this entire section is missing from my modify panel. The icon for this is in the the bottom left of the Facial Profile Editor, but...More
Note: this AI concept must be connected directly to systems inside CC4 1. AI analyzes sketches and or photos and creates a character image reference 2. the detection of eyes, mouth, lips, nose, brows, ears and hair is further refined for HQ realism or toon (to create headshot character and...More
For fast iteration, have a scrollable part list of common Human, animal and creature bone configurations. These parts would be all normal CC bones but more than one of the same templates would designate the character a "Multi-Ped Hybrid HIK Character" etc Some hand templates with finger joint...More
When creating characters with elasticity and realistic exaggeration, we need to sometimes even out the surface stretch and spread out bones as needed. The only other way around this is to add two additional neck bones and have the 3rd starting as the main head bone but we don't always have...More