I've cycled through the list of bones to identify influences and also selected verts on body parts such as the foot to know why the verts are being stretched over to the opposite side as if the Characterization ignores the toe weight paint - Also why in bone edit mode the breast bones are symmetric...More
A couple issues that might be connected to the same problem. 1. It took a long while to discover what might be making the body and arm materials render black during animation playback. This issue is also present in iC8. Enabling smooth mesh be subdivision seems to correct the render but...More
#1.Speed up workflow * #2.Organization * #3.Innovation #1.Please allow batch import from the Bone Tab (allow users to either manually highlight a list and make it active or button to automatically detect spring joints based on keyword in the joint such as "tenticle02_spring_joint". Please...More
I attached an video displaying that the spring effects are functional in the suction cups on the first arm set in front but not elsewhere because *by default* I don't have the option, why? All suction cups contain the same duplicated hand joints.. In the bone menu, when I click on "unused...More
To replicate the issue and see it clearly, position character head to the lower-left corner in the view-port and render with TemporalAA for Anti-Aliasing....More
I export a character for unreal engine and when I import it into Unreal the mesh gets totally messed up. See pics. I have tried selecting different skeletons that were available and different versions of unreal. 4.26 to 5.1...More
Hello, i have discovered when importing OBJ with or without Metallic/Roughness maps , both are not editable. Only when replacing them, export the imported obj and re-import it or deleting the maps (DEL) , then Undo with STRG+Z makes them editable. I asume this must be a bug. Please refer...More
Steps to reproduce: 1. Load Camila model (or any other high-quality model) 2. Apply any expression loop emotion to model (I tried happy and sad ones) using ExPlus...More
I've had to use this shader on other body parts for additional controls. At least unlock this shader in CC4, currently we can't edit the SSS textures or parameters. I've had to change the shader to another then make it go back to be able to make changes but you loose maps when you do this...More
Hello, I have seen my frame-rate drop drastically in viewpoint in CC4 after recently updating. I tried reinstalling and found that when the Headshot 2.0 the frames drop but while uninstalled the frame rate was fine. I'm currently just installing headshot when i need to use it and uninstalling...More