Dear person in charge Hello, I am experiencing unnatural changes in the tint of models imported on Unreal Engine 5 and would like to seek support....More
*Various automatic toon joint profiles to apply to CC3+ characters *Universally apply toon joint to any kind of character defined in the Characterization process. *Apply physics to threshold range of particles between joints - could be spring joint so entire arm, leg, neck has a ripple/wave...More
Steps to reproduce: (Ensure Character Creator v 4.41, and or Iclone v 8.41 is installed) 1. Select Content > Template > Actor > Character > (Any character with hair)...More
I've had to use this shader on other body parts for additional controls. At least unlock this shader in CC4, currently we can't edit the SSS textures or parameters. I've had to change the shader to another then make it go back to be able to make changes but you loose maps when you do this...More
Hello, I have seen my frame-rate drop drastically in viewpoint in CC4 after recently updating. I tried reinstalling and found that when the Headshot 2.0 the frames drop but while uninstalled the frame rate was fine. I'm currently just installing headshot when i need to use it and uninstalling...More
* New method: no matter how tangled hair/fur might be when users create it, this additional concept should be utilized to keep hair cards separated and properly weight painted when users are given the option to convert their models to cloth. -Universal Hair Card Binding Process *When the binding...More
1.I exported a facial expression profile of my CC3+ character so I could reapply it after adding tail bones in an external application 2. After adding bones, I imported into CC4 and only 3 compatible Characterization profiles were available. 3. My Visemes were still available but all the other...More
To see the issue open up the latest version of CC4, pick a character, pick some clothes, go to edit mesh on any of these meshes, go to the sculpt mode, select the smooth brush, and start brushing over the top of the model. In some of the areas you will notice the topology start to kink at odd...More
Trying to age my character. when I activate the appearance editor, it fails to load textures and results in pure white texture for much of the character, glossy/plastic for parts that aren't. My version CC4 is most up to date. Here's the video:
You have animated morph slider functionality in Motion Live, we need this same functionality in the facial profile editor but highlight either a radial button next to the active slider or the label itself during facial calibration animations so we can better see which slider morph is at fault...More