Following this page, something is wrong. In step 2 the UVs are not matched up properly on the exported object file. There are no settings in blender, daz or cc4 that have had any...More
Is there an updated version of the instructionsfor preparing Character Creator models and accessories for upload to the store? The Wiki pages I was directed to from Reallusion's website were posted in 2017 and 2021, both of which have references to outdated packs and content. I'm looking for...More
Please. Add "Lock position" option when loading Accurig Data file. At this moment accurig always use the bounding box to place the loaded accurig data. This behaviour is really bad in production. Look at the picture called "Old_Vs_NewCharacter". There is only minor variation in shape...More
i made a mistake and made 2 accounts for reallusion I purchased CC4 bundle including head shot and soul pack on one profile and on the other I purchased add on content is there a way to marge the too and make the one that has premium account the main and only one?...More
When exporting a character with subdivision ticked and importing such character into Unreal Engine there is always an issue around the face no matter the model. Even when using a default character model and adding subdivisions the issue still persists. Please try this for yourself. When importing...More
I purchased Hair Builder recently and was sure I will be able to build any hairstyles I want, because it's a builder. But I couldn't find any tips on how to build hairs. Only 2 presets (samurai knots) for male and plenty of hair patches for female. In my work, I need to build vintage male hairs...More
Following a thread in Reallusion support, it has been suggested that we post the following query here to the Feedback tracker as well: We've been trying to figure out an issue regarding animations and blendshapes coming from a CC4 character into Unity. We cannot use blendshapes while an animation...More
so I've noticed when creating spring bones they sometimes clip into my models, so a good suggestion would be collider bones, like how its possible in Unity, so parts of the spring bone will no longer clip into characters....More