When doing basic edits, especially for customizing facial expressions in the mesh editor, it would be very helpful to be able to select an edgeloop to then be able to transpose, rotate and scale it. This would make for quick jobs such as pulling out lips to form a pucker....More
Unreal 5.2 ML Deformer is impressive. I’d like a muscle deformation system and random pose generator to be used with Unreal Engine at some point....More
I recently brought a lot of characters and mapped all the morphs without an issue but just now for only that one character, the blink for eyelashes imports but not for the head I also tried to merge them and import it again but still same issue, it doesnt import the blink morph for the head...More
With the new standard blendshapes, the morph to close the eyes does not completely close them when the eyes look up (so when the eye-look-up morphs are active). This is really noticeable in closeups whenever a character that is looking up blinks, it would be great if that could be fixed. This...More
For fast iteration, have a scrollable part list of common Human, animal and creature bone configurations. These parts would be all normal CC bones but more than one of the same templates would designate the character a "Multi-Ped Hybrid HIK Character" etc Some hand templates with finger joint...More
Vertex assignment is like glue/weight painting - CC4/iC8 has cloth tracking and can be used to temporary glue your character's face vertex positions of from a preset you make identifying and covering the face area; lips, eyes etc so the points gets matched on another character's eyes, lips...More
I would like to be able to create non-human hands and feet, as well as non-human attributes including wings, and horns. Every hand is 5 digits and a thumb. We see Andorians on Star Trek that have head mounted appendages that move. We have Ahsoka Tano in StarWars that has unique head appendages...More