I have a question, I can't find a solution. I have made several CC3+ avatars, originally created in Character Studio 3.44. All my characters are saved with 4K textures. When I open them in CC3, the textures are correct in 4K resolution. When I open them in Character Creator 4.2, the program...More
Adjustments made in materials using the Digital Human Eye shader are lost when exporting to FBX from both Character Creator 4 and iClone 8. STR: - create / import a character in character Creator 4 (I used CC4 Kevin.ccAvatar from the Characters pack for this test)...More
I export a character for unreal engine and when I import it into Unreal the mesh gets totally messed up. See pics. I have tried selecting different skeletons that were available and different versions of unreal. 4.26 to 5.1...More
1 - Create a new project with UE4.27.2 / Template "Thrid Person" ( with plugin Reallusion "Auto_Setup" 1.22 or 1.23 ) 2 - Export a character with Unreal setup from Character Creator 4.02 3 - Import the character in UE4.27.2 project with the UE4_Mannequin_Skeleton...More
When I try morphing in the viewport by clicking on a highlighted part and dragging, I have to wait several seconds before the actual morph happens. have a Nvidia RTX 4070 with 12GB of video memory, in a system with dual Xeon processors and 256GB of RAM....More
When exporting a character with subdivision ticked and importing such character into Unreal Engine there is always an issue around the face no matter the model. Even when using a default character model and adding subdivisions the issue still persists. Please try this for yourself. When importing...More
It would be great if CC could export an applied animation to a character - as a complete Obj Sequence. Currently, the nearest it can do is "export current pose". That would be a chore to do a 1000 frame animation mesh export manually....More
I purchased Hair Builder recently and was sure I will be able to build any hairstyles I want, because it's a builder. But I couldn't find any tips on how to build hairs. Only 2 presets (samurai knots) for male and plenty of hair patches for female. In my work, I need to build vintage male hairs...More
Whenever I add skin details onto my character from the Content tab, it activates the Headshot Sculpt Morph (Which, I cannot get to work as I do not have the 1000+ morphs in my Smart Content Browser for some reason). Here is a video of what happens https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=494lBpYep0k...More