We're rigging and animating about a dozen custom characters through Character Creator and iClone at the studio I work at, and I've grown pretty fond of the Facial Profile Editor and how quick and easy it is to update and create blendshapes in a variety of programs. However, I can tell there...More
Hi, thanx for your great product - we are using Character Creator 4 intensely. But we are severely limited for our use case since the manual creation of a new character takes so much time. It would be immensely helpful if there would be a way to automate (random) creations of characters (we...More
The Modify->"Merge Material(UV)" option is great and works really well for a lot of things. I use it to merge all of my cloth material together before export. I'm not an expert but the results have been much better than all my attempts to do something similar with external software. The...More
If you try to close CC4 while there are unsaved changes in your project, you'll encounter the following dialog: The current project will be discarded. Would you like to save? Cancel &Yes &No If you choose "Yes", then instead of saving the current project, it will open the Save...More
Hi all, It occurred to me while working with HeadShot v2 that one or several sliders that may be useful is to add a slider to adjust the shape of the head (skull)/face seen from above. Some people have egg shape, narrow up front and wide in back, while others are long and narrow front to...More
Hi I would like to suggest some tweaks for exporting to Blender: 1) conform the bones to Blender's rigify without unuseful extra bones in arms and legs;...More
How many times do you wish you had an additional material channel to fade in/out wetness or bake it into the existing channel? The ability to bake the blend channel was great although just as important would be the ability to blend in wetness as an overlay effect on a character, terrain or...More
Reallusion has great product family and we have been using most of it as this point. Recently we have currently purchased the wrinkle expression package and it worked very well with our avatars in CC4. We have been using ARKit tool base face mocap too which require the CC3+ traditional facial...More